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#108413: "calculated path for scoring is choosing a widely incorrect one"
notabug: Гэта не памылка
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Што адбылося? Калі ласка, абярыце з ніжэй прапісаныя
Правілы: правіла гульні не было выканана
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• Якая частка правілаў не выкананая ў версіі BGA
please check this game state. the area on the left is completely untouched for scoring and i lost a lot of points. this is the second time i have seen this which isnt a minor bug but makes the game unplayable in my opinion. please add a function where people manually draw the scoring trail.
Best regards,
Paul• Ці відаць парушэнне правілаў у паўторы гульні? Калі так, то на якім хаду?
last moves - scoring• Якім браўзэрам вы карыстаецеся?
Mozilla v5
Гісторыя справаздачы
25. сне 2023 9:09 •
pasko92 • Распрацоўшчыкі запыталі дадатковую інфармацыю для прайгравання гэтай памылкі:
25. сне 2023 9:54 • What is the suggested path that will give you more points? I don't think the chosen path is widely incorrect. Are you sure you know the rules well?
Ziglen • Распрацоўшчыкі запыталі дадатковую інфармацыю для прайгравання гэтай памылкі:
8. сту 2024 1:37 • in game table 459336193 the best route was not followed for Ziglen. The route should have gone from 84 to 4 stars to 93 instead of 84 to star to 93.
pasko92 • Распрацоўшчыкі запыталі дадатковую інфармацыю для прайгравання гэтай памылкі:
8. сту 2024 7:49 •
20. лют 2025 13:21 • and what difference does it make? There is absolutely no difference in points...
Ziglen • Гэта не памылка:
24. лют 2025 0:54 • When I went back to review this game I spotted that 93 was NOT the last state visited in my game as I had thought. The black route line continued on to the circled stars I thought were missed because in my head while constructing my route I went from the stars to the numbered states, and the colour of the route line against the background hid from my eyes the route taken.
So my apologies; there was no error after all. I simply could not see the route continuing to the circled stars due to being unable to distinguish the background from the route line colour.
So my apologies; there was no error after all. I simply could not see the route continuing to the circled stars due to being unable to distinguish the background from the route line colour.
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