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Справаздачы Coloretto
#109470: "unfair game; poor design"
awaiting: Распрацоўшчыкі яшчэ не прааналізавалі гэтую прапанову
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Што адбылося? Калі ласка, абярыце з ніжэй прапісаныя
Прапанова: на маю думку, гэта сапраўды палепшыць рэалізацыю гульні
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• Калі ласка, дакладна і коратка апішыце сваю прапанову, каб зрабіць яе найбольш даступнай для разумення.
your game is soo bad:
your game gives lower elo players unfair disatvantage that would never happen in real time game. I just played a game (and it happened in other games often as well) where a player with 3s and 4s spots on the board had 2x more rolls of 3s and 4s than the players with 6s and 8s. Unfair, poor design and absolutely frustrating to play. You should consider improving the game. I would also like a return of my premium membership since I don't wish to be part of this community.
Thanks• Якім браўзэрам вы карыстаецеся?
Safari v16
Гісторыя справаздачы
dudaa123 • Распрацоўшчыкі яшчэ не прааналізавалі гэтую прапанову:
4. сту 2024 11:29 • your game is soo bad:
your game gives lower elo players unfair disatvantage that would never happen in real time game. I just played a game (and it happened in other games often as well) where a player with 3s and 4s spots on the board had 2x more rolls of 3s and 4s than the players with 6s and 8s. Unfair, poor design and absolutely frustrating to play. You should consider improving the game. I would also like a return of my premium membership since I don't wish to be part of this community.
your game gives lower elo players unfair disatvantage that would never happen in real time game. I just played a game (and it happened in other games often as well) where a player with 3s and 4s spots on the board had 2x more rolls of 3s and 4s than the players with 6s and 8s. Unfair, poor design and absolutely frustrating to play. You should consider improving the game. I would also like a return of my premium membership since I don't wish to be part of this community.
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