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#125528: "Add Undo for non drawing or card revealing moves. "
inforequest: Распрацоўшчыкі хацелі б атрымаць больш інфармацыі аб гэтай прапанове
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• Калі ласка, дакладна і коратка апішыце сваю прапанову, каб зрабіць яе найбольш даступнай для разумення.
Add Undo for non drawing or card revealing moves.• Якім браўзэрам вы карыстаецеся?
Google Chrome v125
Гісторыя справаздачы
29. мая 2024 18:00 •
c12h22o11_ • Распрацоўшчыкі хацелі б атрымаць больш інфармацыі аб гэтай прапанове:
29. мая 2024 20:05 • The vast majority of moves have undo and / or confirmation buttons. Can you clarify if there is something specific you'd like to be able to undo that you cannot?
Omertron • Распрацоўшчыкі хацелі б атрымаць больш інфармацыі аб гэтай прапанове:
3. чэр 2024 14:19 • Pearl Millet - Allows it to be added back to the recipe if it's removed during the distil phase.
Anything like this should be allowed to be "undone" because I missed the requirement for the spirit that I was aiming to distil (character specific) and now I have no chance of doing that spirit (unless the rare opportunity to get the duplicate special ingredient comes up - unlikely).
Anything like this should be allowed to be "undone" because I missed the requirement for the spirit that I was aiming to distil (character specific) and now I have no chance of doing that spirit (unless the rare opportunity to get the duplicate special ingredient comes up - unlikely).
TheInquisitor • Распрацоўшчыкі хацелі б атрымаць больш інфармацыі аб гэтай прапанове:
4. чэр 2024 2:28 • Have Jacqueline and the Co-Op Manager, clicked the manager by mistake and got Water when I should've gotten something else. Would be nice if I could undo this since my "start of turn" actions were not complete yet (since I still had Jacqueline's ability to activate).
lefalaf • Распрацоўшчыкі хацелі б атрымаць больш інфармацыі аб гэтай прапанове:
16. жні 2024 6:07 • I'm sure there are various combinations. My latest one: skipped the trucker ability since I had 0 coin to buy at the start of turn, but forgot that i have the 2 coin discount ability since that doesn't show until the regular market phase - and I am playing turn-based to it's easy to forget, but presumably I can use the discount to buy from the truck as well, but since I did not think I had money or the discount at the time I clicked skip truck, even though it was still my turn and no private/random/card info was revealed, but I could not go back to earlier in my turn where nothing revealing to me or other players had happened yet.
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