Усе справаздачы
Справаздачы pandaspin_displayed
#153392: "Player to lead round after opponent shows out should be player with most cards"
fixed: Памылка выпраўленая
Пра што гэтая справаздача?
Што адбылося? Калі ласка, абярыце з ніжэй прапісаныя
Правілы: правіла гульні не было выканана
Дэталёвае апісанне
• Якая частка правілаў не выкананая ў версіі BGA
Once a player shows out, the next round is started by the player with the most cards in hand. I had two cards in hand and the other opponent had one, yet the opponent was allowed to lead instead of myself.• Ці відаць парушэнне правілаў у паўторы гульні? Калі так, то на якім хаду?
Near the end of the first round.• Якім браўзэрам вы карыстаецеся?
Google Chrome v131
Гісторыя справаздачы
15. сту 2025 23:11 •
footclan • Распрацоўнікі яшчэ не паўтарылі памылку:
15. сту 2025 23:35 •
16. сту 2025 16:38 • It is fewest points, not most cards, which was a tie. This is not a bug.
dvieu • Гэта не памылка:
16. сту 2025 16:58 •
16. сту 2025 17:24 • If at least 2 players still have cards in hand:
Whoever won the previous trick starts the next trick.
If this player has showed out, the player with the most cards begins.
Ties are broken by the player who is next in the order of play.
• If at most 1 player still has cards in hand: see Next round or End of Game.
+++ Have the rules changed from the ones posted on BGA? +++
Whoever won the previous trick starts the next trick.
If this player has showed out, the player with the most cards begins.
Ties are broken by the player who is next in the order of play.
• If at most 1 player still has cards in hand: see Next round or End of Game.
+++ Have the rules changed from the ones posted on BGA? +++
dvieu • Памылка выпраўленая:
16. сту 2025 17:29 •
16. сту 2025 17:38 • Thank you so much!
Wonderful game and implementation, if the water wild issue gets resolved I would love to play much more of this.
Wonderful game and implementation, if the water wild issue gets resolved I would love to play much more of this.
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