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Справаздачы kingoftokyoduel_displayed
#159808: "Make buzz token icons visible when they are underneath fame or destruction marker"
awaiting: Распрацоўшчыкі яшчэ не прааналізавалі гэтую прапанову
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Што адбылося? Калі ласка, абярыце з ніжэй прапісаныя
Прапанова: на маю думку, гэта сапраўды палепшыць рэалізацыю гульні
Дэталёвае апісанне
• Калі ласка, дакладна і коратка апішыце сваю прапанову, каб зрабіць яе найбольш даступнай для разумення.
Right now, when a buzz token is on the board, and the fame or destruction marker is on the same space as the buzz token, (as far as I can tell) there is no way to see what icon is on the buzz token (underneath the marker).
It's important to know which icons are on each space on the buzz token, to decide whether to move the marker or not (in case your opponent moves it back and gets the benefit from the icon).
It would be great if there was a way to see underneath the tokens. One option would be to make the fame and destruction markers move slightly out of the way on mouse-over. (The same way that cubes work on the advancement tracks in Planet Unknown, for instance.) Another option would be to make the fame and destruction markers mostly-transparent on mouse-over. (Like exploration cubes and villages work in Guild of Merchant Explorers.)
Thanks for your hard work on this amazing game implementation!• Якім браўзэрам вы карыстаецеся?
Google Chrome v133
Гісторыя справаздачы
1. сак 2025 5:41 •
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