#160504: "Drawn card was not visible in hand"
Пра што гэтая справаздача?
Што адбылося? Калі ласка, абярыце з ніжэй прапісаныя
Дэталёвае апісанне
• Калі ласка, апішыце памылку адлюстравання. Калі ў вас ёсць скрыншот гэтай памылкі (добрая звычка), вы можаце скарыстацца Imgur.com, каб загрузіць яго і ўставіць сюды спасылку.
At one point in the game, I clicked the Draw Card button when I could not play. No additional visible card was added to my hand, but play continued to the next player. When the end of the hand was reached, I was the last player to hold cards. I then played all of my remaining visible cards and 4 points were added to my score rather than having 10 deducted. It would seem that an invisible card (a 4) was being tracked in my hand even though I could not see it.• Якім браўзэрам вы карыстаецеся?
Google Chrome v132
Гісторыя справаздачы
mjeanes06 scored 4 this round
tipouz scored 2 this round
akis2113 scored 2 this round
End Round Scoring
mjeanes06 quits the round
mjeanes06 plays a llama
mjeanes06 plays a 6
mjeanes06 plays a 6
A new hand is dealt
akis2113 quits the round
mjeanes06 plays a 5
tipouz quits the round
akis2113 plays a 5
mjeanes06 plays a 5
tipouz plays a 4
akis2113 plays a 3
mjeanes06 draws card
tipouz plays a 3
akis2113 plays a 3
mjeanes06 plays a 3
tipouz plays a 2
akis2113 plays a 1
mjeanes06 draws card
tipouz plays a 1
akis2113 plays a llama
10:28 AM
mjeanes06 plays a 6
tipouz plays a 6
The first card is 5
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