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#93976: "Only highlight tiles which are actually possible to use that turn"
awaiting: Распрацоўшчыкі яшчэ не прааналізавалі гэтую прапанову
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Што адбылося? Калі ласка, абярыце з ніжэй прапісаныя
Прапанова: на маю думку, гэта сапраўды палепшыць рэалізацыю гульні
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• Калі ласка, дакладна і коратка апішыце сваю прапанову, каб зрабіць яе найбольш даступнай для разумення.
Firstly, thank you so much for this game implementation, I love it!
One thing I think would make it so much better, especially for new players, is if only possible moves were highlighted. Eg. If I have no butler, the tiles that require the butler to host could not be highlighted. eg. Gentry who cant be picked as they dont have the required servant
This would make it so much easier to work out what your options are that turn, instead of having to click through each tile one by one to see what moves are actually available.
I also think this would make it much easier for new players. One of the main barriers to me playing this game initially was that 5-10 boxes would be highlighted but actually finding a legal move was so difficult. I would click on something and it would say no. It could be so much quicker if this "no" was built into the interface by unavailable actions having a red border for example
This type of UI is already in Ark Nova for example, where only legal moves are shown. It speeds up the game and simplifies it a lot by showing you what actual options you have
Thank you• Якім браўзэрам вы карыстаецеся?
Google Chrome v114
Гісторыя справаздачы
Frooty_Bazooty • Распрацоўшчыкі яшчэ не прааналізавалі гэтую прапанову:
21. ліп 2023 11:49 • Firstly, thank you so much for this game implementation, I love it!
One thing I think would make it so much better, especially for new players, is if only possible moves were highlighted. Eg. If I have no butler, the tiles that require the butler to host could not be highlighted. eg. Gentry who cant be picked as they dont have the required servant
This would make it so much easier to work out what your options are that turn, instead of having to click through each tile one by one to see what moves are actually available.
I also think this would make it much easier for new players. One of the main barriers to me playing this game initially was that 5-10 boxes would be highlighted but actually finding a legal move was so difficult. I would click on something and it would say no. It could be so much quicker if this "no" was built into the interface by unavailable actions having a red border for example
This type of UI is already in Ark Nova for example, where only legal moves are shown. It speeds up the game and simplifies it a lot by showing you what actual options you have
Thank you
One thing I think would make it so much better, especially for new players, is if only possible moves were highlighted. Eg. If I have no butler, the tiles that require the butler to host could not be highlighted. eg. Gentry who cant be picked as they dont have the required servant
This would make it so much easier to work out what your options are that turn, instead of having to click through each tile one by one to see what moves are actually available.
I also think this would make it much easier for new players. One of the main barriers to me playing this game initially was that 5-10 boxes would be highlighted but actually finding a legal move was so difficult. I would click on something and it would say no. It could be so much quicker if this "no" was built into the interface by unavailable actions having a red border for example
This type of UI is already in Ark Nova for example, where only legal moves are shown. It speeds up the game and simplifies it a lot by showing you what actual options you have
Thank you
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