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Канфігурацыя стала

Рэжым гульні
Звычайны рэжым
Хуткасць гульні
Рэальны час • Нармальна
Rule set
Table creator can customize variant options.
Jack of Diamonds bonus
Capturing the Jack of Diamonds adds bonus 10 points.
Penalty card play limit
Penalty cards cannot be played in the first trick unless all cards in hand are penalty cards. Any Heart cannot be played as a lead card until someone plays a Heart.
Face value scoring
High Spades scoring
Starter card
The left player of the dealer starts the first trick with any card.
Shooting the moon
Capturing all penalty cards deducts points from each player except the shooter.
Pass cycle
Count hand scores
Display captured points during the hand.
Skip uneventful final tricks

2 хв

сярэдні час чакання

Вынік гульні


Канфігурацыя стала

Рэжым гульні
Звычайны рэжым
Хуткасць гульні
Рэальны час • Нармальна
+0:08 на ход (максімум 1:24)
Rule set
Table creator can customize variant options.
Jack of Diamonds bonus
Capturing the Jack of Diamonds adds bonus 10 points.
Penalty card play limit
Penalty cards cannot be played in the first trick unless all cards in hand are penalty cards. Any Heart cannot be played as a lead card until someone plays a Heart.
Face value scoring
High Spades scoring
Starter card
The left player of the dealer starts the first trick with any card.
Shooting the moon
Capturing all penalty cards deducts points from each player except the shooter.
Pass cycle
Count hand scores
Display captured points during the hand.
Skip uneventful final tricks

Цяпер вакол стала

Інфармацыя аб гульні

Як гуляць?

Выдавец :

Распрацоўшчык :


Версія :


Дзякуй : Вы - адзін з нашых самых адданых гульцоў!
Атрымаеце ўсё лепшае ад BGA ўсяго за $5 / месяц.