explorationwarzone - гульня, распрацаваная Damian Korus і апублікаваная Ply Games.
Колькасць гульцоў: 2 - 3
Працягласць гульні: 2 mn
Складанасць: 2 / 5
Згуляйце ў explorationwarzone і 960 іншых гульняў онлайн.
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Згуляйце ў explorationwarzone і 960 іншых гульняў онлайн.
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З вашымі сябрамі і тысячамі гульцоў з усяго свету.
Гуляйце бясплатна.
Кароткія правілы
游戏设置 所有玩家在游戏开始时都有自己的宇宙飞船卡。每艘宇宙飞船都有HP(红色图标)、accuracy(瞄准枪图标)、一项专门技能(左上角)和胜利点轨迹。如果你失去了所有的生命,你的飞船将被摧毁。精确性增加了击中另一艘宇宙飞船的机会。
Game set up
All players have their own spaceship card at the beginning of the game. Each spaceship has HP (red icon), accuracy (gun sight icon), a dedicated skill (upper left corner) and a victory point track. If you lose all of your HP, your spaceship will be destroyed. Accuracy increases the chance to hit the other spaceship.
Turn structure
Every turn the players must choose a hex, which will determine the actions available to you. Each hex has six actions, marked by an icon on each side. The numbers on the perimeter indicate the order of actions (0 is first, then 1 etc.). There are 6 types of actions: Attack, Critical attack, Accuracy increase (+1), Repair (restore +1 HP), Victory point (gain +1 VP), and Dodge (light blue icon). Choose your action by placing that side next to your opponent's hex (contacting the side of your opponent's hex).
Win by Attack
To attack your opponent, the accuracy of your spaceship must be higher or equal than accuracy of opponent, but there is a luck factor. You must roll a 3 dice. The results might be: accuracy increase, accuracy decrease, critical attack, self damage. Attack might be blocked by attack block action (light blue icon).
Win by Victory points
Here comes another phase of game turn. Like in rock, paper, scisors some action has advantages over the others. For example HP restore is stronger than attack, accuracy increase than HP restore and attack than accuracy increase (more details about block and VP gain are in the table). For every adventage you receive one Victory point.