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Go West! In the mid-1800s this cry was the embodiment of the young nation’s belief in Manifest Destiny: that the United States should expand across the continent. While some of the early Railroad Barons felt it was best to focus on developing the economy in the Eastern U.S., new riches and lucrative opportunities awaited in the Wild West. Those who had the courage to build over the Rockies or through the Sierra Nevada and connect the East and West joined the pantheon of railroad visionaries. Do you have the skill to tame the West and be as successful as those who came before you?
This mini-expansion changes Porto into a city that can accept deliveries of both blue and purple cubes. Place 2 extra purple cubes in Vila Real and Chaves
This mini-expansion adds a Goal card which awards bonus points for the number of Hotels you own, giving an additional incentive to make use of the 10 Hotel cards in the Railroad Operation deck
Railways of Australia Optional Railway Operation Cards
There is an initial bid for game starting position then, at the start of a new turn, the player order is determined by the current score. Worst score becomes the new First Player. Second worst is the new Second Player etc. In case of scoring ties, the player with higher (worst) turn order wins the tie.
Go West! In the mid-1800s this cry was the embodiment of the young nation’s belief in Manifest Destiny: that the United States should expand across the continent. While some of the early Railroad Barons felt it was best to focus on developing the economy in the Eastern U.S., new riches and lucrative opportunities awaited in the Wild West. Those who had the courage to build over the Rockies or through the Sierra Nevada and connect the East and West joined the pantheon of railroad visionaries. Do you have the skill to tame the West and be as successful as those who came before you?
This mini-expansion changes Porto into a city that can accept deliveries of both blue and purple cubes. Place 2 extra purple cubes in Vila Real and Chaves
This mini-expansion adds a Goal card which awards bonus points for the number of Hotels you own, giving an additional incentive to make use of the 10 Hotel cards in the Railroad Operation deck
Railways of Australia Optional Railway Operation Cards
There is an initial bid for game starting position then, at the start of a new turn, the player order is determined by the current score. Worst score becomes the new First Player. Second worst is the new Second Player etc. In case of scoring ties, the player with higher (worst) turn order wins the tie.