BrandonO plays the Blue 20
01:19 PM
Sweetbuzzy plays the Yellow 100
11:18 AM
oimamalion chose a fall direction for the Blue 100: right
03:32 AM
oimamalion has to choose the fall direction for the Blue 100
oimamalion chose a fall direction for the Red 100: right
oimamalion has to choose the fall direction for the Red 100
oimamalion chose a fall direction for the Red 120: left
oimamalion has to choose the fall direction for the Red 120
oimamalion causes a collapse. The Red 120 is too heavy for the Red 30 and the Red 60
oimamalion chose a fall direction for the Red 30: right
oimamalion has to choose the fall direction for the Red 30
oimamalion causes a collapse. The Red 30 does not match the color or number of the Green 100 or the Green 120
oimamalion plays the Red 30
3/26/2025 03:31 AM
BrandonO plays the Blue 120
12:44 PM
Sweetbuzzy plays the Green 100
11:24 AM
oimamalion causes an explosion
oimamalion plays the Green 1
03:15 AM
BrandonO chose a fall direction for the Red 40: left
BrandonO has to choose the fall direction for the Red 40
BrandonO causes a collapse. The Red 40 does not match the color or number of the Yellow 120 or the Yellow 60
BrandonO plays the Red 40
3/25/2025 12:01 AM
Sweetbuzzy plays the Yellow 120
11:41 PM
oimamalion causes a wood fire
oimamalion rolled Fire. The Incendiary Tile is removed from the pyramid.
oimamalion plays the Yellow 20
3/24/2025 03:32 AM
BrandonO causes a wood fire
BrandonO rolled Fire. The Incendiary Tile remains in the pyramid.
BrandonO plays the Blue 30
11:38 PM
Sweetbuzzy plays the Blue 7
11:31 PM
oimamalion plays the Blue 100
08:11 PM
BrandonO plays the Green 60
01:35 PM
Sweetbuzzy plays the Yellow 1
3/23/2025 01:02 PM
oimamalion plays the Yellow 60
09:04 PM
BrandonO plays the Red 100
06:54 PM
Sweetbuzzy plays the Red 120
06:48 PM
oimamalion plays the Red 60
06:13 PM
BrandonO plays the Blue 60
02:44 PM
Sweetbuzzy plays the Millstone 200
11:56 AM
oimamalion plays the Green 120
3/22/2025 03:19 AM
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