Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays ♠2-Joker
08:37 PM
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
As Peasant, Jebustin plays first
Lun_aable and Jebustin exchanges a card
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays ♥A
08:36 PM
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays ♥4-♦4
08:35 PM
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing 4 or more cards reverses the card rank during this round!
Jebustin plays ♠10-♥10-♣10-♦10
08:34 PM
As Peasant, Jebustin plays first
Lun_aable and Jebustin exchanges a card
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Jebustin plays ♠A-♣A
08:33 PM
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Lun_aable plays ♣4
08:32 PM
As Peasant, Lun_aable plays first
Jebustin and Lun_aable exchanges a card
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays ♥8
08:31 PM
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays ♥3-♣3
08:30 PM
As Peasant, Lun_aable plays first
Jebustin and Lun_aable exchanges a card
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays ♣2
08:29 PM
Lun_aable plays ♠5-♣5
08:28 PM
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Jebustin plays ♦10
08:27 PM
Jebustin plays ♦5
08:26 PM
Lun_aable starts the first round
3/14/2025 08:25 PM
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