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Загрузка малюнкаў гульні (10%)
Стол #643988821
Ход #100
Прагрэс 66%


Паказваць журнал гульні
Паказаць падказкі
Card style
Overlap cards in hand
Play sound effects
Permanent pass warning

Опцыі гульні

Рэжым гульні
Хуткасць гульні
Game length
Scoring rule
Rule set
First player
Same rank skip
Unskippable 2/3
Same suit sequence
Suit lock
Ender 8
Reversing 9
Jack back
Illegal finish
Automatic turn skip
Гэтая гульня была абноўлена з моманту яе пачатку - такім чынам, паўтор эксперыментальны.
Загрузка журнала гульні (78%)
Revolution, Joker, Lowest player first, Same rank skip, Illegal finish
🎩 Lun_aable
⛏️ Jebustin



0 -458209558 eur Visitor-458


Паказваць журнал гульні
Паказаць падказкі
Card style
Overlap cards in hand
Play sound effects
Permanent pass warning

Опцыі гульні

Рэжым гульні
Хуткасць гульні
Game length
Scoring rule
Rule set
First player
Same rank skip
Unskippable 2/3
Same suit sequence
Suit lock
Ender 8
Reversing 9
Jack back
Illegal finish
Automatic turn skip

Заўвага: 3D ёсць эксперыментальным

Вы назіральнік у гэтай гульні
4 / 6
Паказаць курсор

Гэта мая першая гульня, таму ў мяне двайны запас часу
Дзякуй, што дапамаглі мне!

2 / 6
Паказаць курсор

Гэта мая першая гульня, таму ў мяне двайны запас часу
Дзякуй, што дапамаглі мне!

Глядзяць гульню: Visitor-458209558
A new round starts
Lun_aable scores 1 point
Lun_aable goes out!
Lun_aable plays K
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays J-J
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays 9-9-9
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays 2-Joker
08:37 PM
Jebustin plays A-A
Lun_aable plays 8-8
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays 6-6
Jebustin plays 6-6
Lun_aable plays 4-4
Jebustin plays 3-3
Jebustin wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays Q
Lun_aable plays Q
Jebustin plays 5
As Peasant, Jebustin plays first
Lun_aable and Jebustin exchanges a card
A new round starts
Lun_aable scores 1 point
Lun_aable goes out!
Lun_aable plays 2
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays K-K
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays Q-Q
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays A
08:36 PM
Jebustin plays A
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays J
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays 8
Jebustin wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays 9-9
Lun_aable plays 9-9
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays 7
Jebustin plays 7
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays 6
Jebustin wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays 4-4
08:35 PM
Lun_aable plays 4-4
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays 3-3-3
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays Joker
Jebustin plays 5
Jebustin wins this trick
Playing 4 or more cards reverses the card rank during this round!
Jebustin plays 10-10-10-10
08:34 PM
As Peasant, Jebustin plays first
Lun_aable and Jebustin exchanges a card
A new round starts
Lun_aable scores 1 point
Lun_aable goes out!
Lun_aable plays 7
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays K-K
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays 8-8-8
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays 5-5-5
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays A
Jebustin plays A
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays A-A
08:33 PM
Lun_aable plays J-J
Jebustin plays 7-7
Jebustin wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays 6-6
Lun_aable plays 6-6
Jebustin plays 3-3
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays Q
Lun_aable plays 4
08:32 PM
As Peasant, Lun_aable plays first
Jebustin and Lun_aable exchanges a card
A new round starts
Jebustin scores 1 point
Jebustin goes out!
Jebustin plays 9-9-9
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays 6-6-6
Jebustin wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays 2
Lun_aable plays 2
Jebustin plays Q
Jebustin wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays J
Lun_aable plays J
Jebustin plays 10
Lun_aable plays 7
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays 8
08:31 PM
Jebustin plays 8
Lun_aable plays 5
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays A-A
Jebustin plays A-A
Lun_aable plays 10-10
Jebustin plays 5-5
Lun_aable plays 3-3
08:30 PM
As Peasant, Lun_aable plays first
Jebustin and Lun_aable exchanges a card
A new round starts
Jebustin scores 1 point
Jebustin goes out!
Jebustin plays 3-3
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays Joker
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays 2
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays A
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays K
Jebustin wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Lun_aable's turn!
Jebustin plays 2
08:29 PM
Lun_aable plays 2
Jebustin plays Q
Lun_aable plays 8
Jebustin plays 6
Jebustin wins this trick
Jebustin plays J-J
Lun_aable plays 5-5
08:28 PM
Lun_aable wins this trick
Lun_aable plays Q-Q
Jebustin plays 7-7
Lun_aable plays 3-3
Lun_aable wins this trick
Playing the same rank skips Jebustin's turn!
Lun_aable plays 10
Jebustin plays 10
08:27 PM
Lun_aable plays 7
Jebustin plays 5
08:26 PM
Lun_aable plays 4
Lun_aable starts the first round
3/14/2025 08:25 PM
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