Вярнуцца на галоўную старонку
Загрузка малюнкаў гульні (10%)
Стол #646050135
Ход #45
Прагрэс 11%


Паказваць журнал гульні
Паказаць падказкі

Опцыі гульні

Рэжым гульні
Хуткасць гульні
Гэтая гульня была абноўлена з моманту яе пачатку - такім чынам, паўтор эксперыментальны.



0 -1011608373 eur Visitor-101


Паказваць журнал гульні
Паказаць падказкі

Опцыі гульні

Рэжым гульні
Хуткасць гульні

Заўвага: 3D ёсць эксперыментальным

Вы назіральнік у гэтай гульні
2 дзён
Паказаць курсор
2 дзён
Паказаць курсор
Глядзяць гульню: Visitor-1011608373
anq0223 places a worker on Merchant`s Guild for 1 denier(s)
04:59 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
3/26/2025 02:42 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Jousting Field for 1 denier(s)
05:53 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
01:54 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
3/25/2025 02:49 AM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
07:53 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
03:39 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Farm for 1 denier(s)
01:30 PM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
anq0223 gets 4 deniers with a favor
anq0223 chooses a favor from line: deniers
anq0223 built the most houses and gains 1 favor
anq0223 builds a part of the castle (Dungeon) for 1 food, 1 wood and 1 stone and gets 5 points
01:10 AM
Gonzabianchi cannot active Sawmill (beyond location of provost)
Quarry: anq0223 gets 1 stone
Farm: anq0223 gets 1 cloth
3/24/2025 01:09 AM
Forest: Gonzabianchi gets 1 wood
05:03 PM
anq0223 moves the provost 1 space(s) for 1 denier(s)
03:48 PM
Gonzabianchi moves the provost 1 space(s) for 1 denier(s)
02:00 PM
anq0223 moves the provost 2 space(s) for 0 denier(s)
Trading post: Gonzabianchi gets 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
anq0223 passes
3/23/2025 12:51 AM
Gonzabianchi is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
09:16 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
09:13 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
07:50 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Merchant`s Guild for 1 denier(s)
07:17 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
12:40 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
3/22/2025 04:40 AM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
10:53 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Farm for 1 denier(s)
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
anq0223 gets 3 deniers with a favor
anq0223 chooses a favor from line: deniers
anq0223 built the most houses and gains 1 favor
anq0223 builds a part of the castle (Dungeon) for 1 food, 1 wood and 1 cloth and gets 5 points
Sawmill: anq0223 gets 1 wood
Quarry: Gonzabianchi gets 1 stone
Farm: anq0223 gets 1 cloth
10:51 PM
Forest: Gonzabianchi gets 1 food
07:02 PM
anq0223 moves the provost 1 space(s) for 1 denier(s)
04:40 PM
Gonzabianchi chooses not to move the Provost
Inn: anq0223 goes into the Inn
Gonzabianchi moves the provost 1 space(s) for 0 denier(s)
10:18 AM
Trading post: Gonzabianchi gets 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
anq0223 passes
3/21/2025 01:04 AM
Gonzabianchi is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
08:57 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Inn for 1 denier(s)
03:40 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Merchant`s Guild for 1 denier(s)
3/20/2025 10:33 AM
anq0223 places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
11:48 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
05:32 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
01:35 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
01:10 PM
anq0223 places a worker on Farm for 1 denier(s)
01:02 PM
Gonzabianchi places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
11:27 AM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
Колеры anq0223 выбраны ў адпаведнасці з перавагамі. Змяніць мае налады.
3/19/2025 11:03 AM
А вы ведалі, што
Калі гулец перастаў гуляць, проста дачакайцеся, калі ў яго скончыцца час на абдумванне, і выключыце яго з гульні.