Mellus pays
and gets
via Structures [E6]
09:46 PM
NicotheGreat pays
and gets
via Structures [E6]
09:38 PM
guts-jr declines performing conversions
guts-jr upgrades a Жыллё to a Гандлёвы дом for
09:26 PM
Mellus declines performing conversions
guts-jr gets
via Structures [F3]
Mellus upgrades a Жыллё to a Гандлёвы дом for
03:14 PM
NicotheGreat pays
and gets
via Structures [E7]
02:15 PM
guts-jr gets
via Structures [E7]
Mellus gets
via Structures [E7]
Luccolo declines performing conversions
Luccolo upgrades a Жыллё to a Гандлёвы дом for
3/22/2025 01:25 PM
NicotheGreat declines performing conversions
guts-jr gets
via Structures [D4]
Luccolo gets
via Structures [D4]
NicotheGreat upgrades a Жыллё to a Гандлёвы дом for
guts-jr атрымлівае
Luccolo атрымлівае
NicotheGreat атрымлівае
Mellus атрымлівае
~ Leftover bonus cards receive 1 Coin each ~
NicotheGreat выбірае Бонусную карту 1
03:23 PM
Luccolo выбірае Бонусную карту 1
03:19 PM
Mellus выбірае Бонусную карту 1
01:15 PM
guts-jr выбірае Бонусную карту 1
12:59 PM
NicotheGreat places a Жыллё [D4]
11:21 AM
Mellus places a Жыллё [G4]
10:44 AM
Luccolo places a Жыллё [F6]
10:38 AM
Mellus places a Жыллё [F3]
08:38 AM
guts-jr places a Жыллё [E6]
guts-jr places a Жыллё [F5]
07:56 AM
Mellus places a Жыллё [E8]
3/21/2025 07:40 AM
Luccolo places a Жыллё [E7]
11:59 PM
~ Кожны гулец выбірае фракцыю і атрымлівае адпаведныя стартавыя рэсурсы. ~
guts-jr гуляе фракцыяй Культысты (з
пачатковымі ПА)
Mellus гуляе фракцыяй Качэўнікі (з
пачатковымі ПА)
Luccolo гуляе фракцыяй Інжынеры (з
пачатковымі ПА)
NicotheGreat гуляе фракцыяй Магі хаосу (з
пачатковымі ПА)
~ The Factions auction is over ~
NicotheGreat bids on the Магі хаосу with 40 Starting VPs
10:55 PM
Mellus has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
guts-jr bids on the Культысты with 34 Starting VPs
09:27 PM
Luccolo has not been outbid for Faction Engineers and is skipped
NicotheGreat bids on the Культысты with 35 Starting VPs
09:26 PM
Mellus has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
guts-jr has not been outbid for Faction Cultists and is skipped
Luccolo bids on the Інжынеры with 35 Starting VPs
09:21 PM
NicotheGreat has not been outbid for Faction Engineers and is skipped
Mellus bids on the Качэўнікі with 34 Starting VPs
12:32 PM
guts-jr bids on the Культысты with 36 Starting VPs
12:01 PM
Luccolo has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
NicotheGreat has not been outbid for Faction Engineers and is skipped
Mellus bids on the Культысты with 37 Starting VPs
11:05 AM
guts-jr has not been outbid for Faction Cultists and is skipped
Luccolo has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
NicotheGreat bids on the Інжынеры with 36 Starting VPs
11:03 AM
Mellus bids on the Інжынеры with 37 Starting VPs
10:27 AM
guts-jr has not been outbid for Faction Cultists and is skipped
Luccolo bids on the Качэўнікі with 35 Starting VPs
10:24 AM
NicotheGreat has not been outbid for Faction Engineers and is skipped
Mellus bids on the Качэўнікі with 36 Starting VPs
3/20/2025 06:48 AM
guts-jr has not been outbid for Faction Cultists and is skipped
Luccolo bids on the Качэўнікі with 37 Starting VPs
10:20 PM
NicotheGreat bids on the Інжынеры with 38 Starting VPs
Mellus has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
guts-jr bids on the Культысты with 38 Starting VPs
09:21 PM
Luccolo has not been outbid for Faction Engineers and is skipped
NicotheGreat bids on the Культысты with 39 Starting VPs
09:15 PM
Mellus has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
guts-jr has not been outbid for Faction Cultists and is skipped
Luccolo bids on the Інжынеры with 39 Starting VPs
09:03 PM
NicotheGreat has not been outbid for Faction Engineers and is skipped
Mellus bids on the Качэўнікі with 38 Starting VPs
08:44 PM
guts-jr bids on the Культысты with 40 Starting VPs
08:42 PM
Luccolo bids on the Качэўнікі with 39 Starting VPs
10:40 AM
NicotheGreat bids on the Інжынеры with 40 Starting VPs
09:41 AM
Mellus bids on the Качэўнікі with 40 Starting VPs
3/19/2025 06:49 AM
guts-jr selected the faction Культысты on
to play in position #4
08:48 PM
Luccolo selected the faction Качэўнікі on
to play in position #3
04:44 PM
NicotheGreat selected the faction Інжынеры on
to play in position #2
02:43 PM
Mellus selected the faction Магі хаосу on
to play in position #1
02:13 PM
Агонь і лёд - фракцыі: Адкл
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles: Адкл
Landscapes expansion: Укл
Гульнявое поле: Базавая гульня
3/18/2025 02:11 PM
А вы ведалі, што
На BGA строга забароненыя абразы і агрэсіўныя паводзіны. Калі ласка, паведамляйце нам аб любых інцыдэнтах: мы прымем захады мадэрацыі супраць любых праблемных гульцоў.